Stockholm Uppsala Pharmacometrics (SUP)
Stockholm Uppsala Pharmacometrics is a meeting place for anyone interested in submerging themselves in applied and theoretical pharmacometrics with the possibility to connect with others in the area during the following dinner. Each meeting focuses on a specific theme.
The meetings take place twice every year in the Stockholm Uppsala area, once during spring and once during fall.
The current organizing committee consists of:
Adam Darwich - KTH
Angelica Quartino - AstraZeneca
Johan Wallin - BioInvent
Lars Lindbom - qPharmetra
Maria Kjellsson - Apotekarsocieteten
Mats Karlsson - Uppsala Universitet
Ida Neldemo - Pharmetheus
To suggest topics or presenters for upcoming meetings, please send us an email.
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Stockholm Uppsala Pharmacometrics (SUP)