Stockholm Uppsala Pharmacometrics (SUP)
The next SUP meeting will take place in Stockholm on the 3rd of April, 2025.
The theme for this meeting will be:
Study design
Andy Hooker, Uppsala University
Model-based adaptive optimal design under model uncertainty in population pharmacodynamic studies. Application in dose finding trials.
Ingrid Lönnstedt, Cytel
A Sequential Predictive Power Design for a COVID Vaccine Trial
Ya-Han Hsu, Uppsala University
Power estimation for covariate identification: with and without PopPK model building
Martin Bergstrand, Pharmetheus
Efficient model-based design support of pediatric study programs - workflow and case-study
More speakers to be announced shortly!
Event Details
Date: 3rd of April
Time: Meeting 13:00–17:00, Mingle with light food 17:00–19:00
Location: Apotekarsocieteten, Wallingatan 26, 111 24 Stockholm
Warm welcome!
Stockholm Uppsala Pharmacometrics (SUP)