SUP Fall meeting, 11th of October

The next SUP meeting will take place in Uppsala on the 10th of October, 2024. 

The theme for the fall meetings will be:

Semi-mechanistic models developed based on PK and/or PD data

A semi-mechanistic model in the pharmacometric domain typically borrows structure from the system it describes to such an extent that, at least some, parameters can be given physiological/pharmacological meaning. The model parameters are typically determined from the experimental data even if priors, either weak or strong, can be used for some of the parameters. Familiar examples are the Friberg model for myelosuppression and the target-mediated drug disposition models.”



13.00-17.00 Meeting incl. coffee break

17.00-19.00 Mingle with light food

Warm welcome!

Stockholm Uppsala Pharmacometrics (SUP)